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Author(s):      Selay Arkün Kocadere, Fatma Bayrak, P?nar Nuho?lu Kibar, ?eyma Ça?lar, Zehra Say?n
ISBN:      978-989-8533-57-9
Editors:      Pedro Isaías
Year:      2016
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Mobile game, educational game, game elements
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      11
Last Page:      18
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been shown to engage 21st century learners in the learning and education process. One such ICT product is the educational 3D mobile game “Labours of Hercules” (LOH), an output of the European Union Erasmus+ project developed to teach the myth of the Twelve Labours of Hercules to students. The player takes the avatar of Hercules, whose goal is to complete the 12 labours. The game is structured in 12 levels of increasing difficulty, each featuring the two phases of running and boss fights. The educational components of the game include the visualization of Hercules’ journey to different locations in Europe and the labours themselves as well as player interaction in order to complete the labours. The current study analyses the game in terms of its key game elements: Story, Goals, Rules, Challenges, Interaction, and Feedback. The Story element of LOH determined the structure of all other game elements, in particular the elements of Goals, Rules, and Challenges. Detailed review of the 6 components revealed that the design of one element affected all other elements. It can be concluded therefore that games cannot be designed element by element due to their interconnecting relations and thus necessitate a holistic review.

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